Other Grant Opportunities

We realize that achieving your mission will require multiple resources. To help you navigate some of the other grant opportunities in the community, we offer this community funders resource.

Augusta Bar Foundation

The Augusta Bar Foundation, Inc. was organized and founded for the primary purpose of improving and promoting the administration of justice. Consistent with this purpose, the Board of Directors has adopted a policy of using the Foundation’s resources to provide funding and support for programs and organizations designed to enhance the lives of and improve opportunities for at-risk, disadvantaged, and underserved youth within the Augusta Judicial Circuit. The goal of this effort will be to give these youth alternatives to crime, violence, substance abuse, and illiteracy with a corresponding reduction in the burden on our courts and system of justice.

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Application Opens: June 1

Application Closes: July 12 at 4:00 p.m.

Checks Distributed: December

Grant Cap: $5,000

Request Restrictions: If funded for two years in a row you must take a year off

Counties That May Apply: Burke, Columbia and Richmond

Grant Usage: Requests must address a community need, and emerging community need, and/or provide a new, creative approach to a community need that positively affects at-risk, disadvantaged, and underserved youth.

Priority areas: Education, Mentoring, Health and safety, Self-sufficiency, and Family issues

Grant Guidelines

Questions: Contact Erin Starnes

J.B. White Fund

The Community Foundation for the CSRA understands that capacity building is critical when developing and sustaining a strong nonprofit organization. With this in mind, we are working with the J.B. White Fund to allow nonprofits in our six-county service area to apply for small capacity-building grants. Successful applications will help tell the story of how having a J.B. White Fund grant will help them strengthen or expand their mission in the community.

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Application Opens: April 1

Application Closes: May 10 at 4:00 PM

Checks Distributed: Mid-June

Grant Cap: $2,500 – It is anticipated that the average grant awards will be around $2,000

Counties That May Apply: Aiken and Edgefield in South Carolina; Burke, Columbia, McDuffie, and Richmond in Georgia

Grant Usage: These are capacity-building grants and may be used for one or more of the following:

  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Consulting Services Around Organizational Planning
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
  • Staff Development/Training
  • Web or IT Enhancements or Updates

Questions: Contact Lasima Turmon

Mary Warren Foundation

As in the early days of the Mary Warren Home for widowers and indigent women, the mission of the Mary Warren fund is still to support women, children, and the elderly who are in need of assistance in our community.

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Application Opens: November 15th

Application Closes: January 15th

Checks Distributed: Mid-March

Grant Cap: $7,500 – It is anticipated that the average grant awards will be between $5,000 and $7,500

Counties That May Apply: Burke, Columbia, McDuffie, and Richmond

Grant Usage: Educational programs that benefit women, children, and the elderly. The Marry Warren Fund has had the same grant funding exclusions as the Community Foundation’s Community Grants process.

Questions: Contact Erin Starnes

The Porter Fleming Foundation

In 1963 Berry Fleming, a noted Augusta author and artist, who had also served as a Trustee of the Academy of Richmond County, created the Porter Fleming Foundation in honor of his father. The Foundation directs the Trustees of the Academy to contribute annually to the educational, literary, artistic, scientific, historical, musical, and cultural enrichment of the lives of the residents of the Greater Augusta area. Grants are given on an annual basis to 501(c)3 organizations.

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Application Opens: November 1

Application Closes: February 1st

Checks Distributed: April

Grant Cap: No Cap


  • Organizational operating expenses, to include ongoing programming costs that are not directly tied to the project
  • Projects that are geared to secondary or higher education
  • Projects/artistic work already in process
  • Deficit financing and debt retirement
  • Endowments
  • Political organizations or campaigns
  • Lobbying legislators or influencing elections
  • Special fundraising events/celebration functions
  • Marketing endeavors unless the marketing is directly connected to the program in your grant application
  • Core operating expenses for public and private elementary and secondary schools and public and private colleges and universities
  • Projects that are typically the funding responsibility of federal, state or local governments
  • Educational scholarships

Counties That May Apply: Aiken, Burke, Columbia, Edgefield, Jefferson, Richmond

Grant Usage: Grants are given to programs that are working in the following priority areas: Educational, Literary, Artistic, Scientific, Historical, Musical, and Cultural Enrichment

Grant Guidelines: View Guidelines

Questions: Direct any questions by e-mail to Billy Badger at bbadger@howardlumber.com

Sand Hills Garden Club

Sand Hills Garden Club is a gardening and community organization dedicated to the beautification and betterment of Augusta, Georgia. Sand Hills Garden Club provides grants to organizations in Columbia and Richmond counties in Georgia.

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Application Opens: March 1st

Application Closes: March 31st

Checks Distributed: End of April/Early May

Grant Cap: $2,250. The average grant award will be between $500 and $1,000.

Counties That May Apply: Columbia and Richmond

Grant Usage: Any project considered must be compatible with the interests of Sand Hills Garden Club in at least one of the following ways:

  • Stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening.
  • Restore, improve, and protect the quality of the environment.
  • Support existing land and native specimens whenever possible.

Priority Areas: Ecology, Horticulture, Conservation, or Education

Questions: Erin Starnes

The St. Joseph Foundation

The St. Joseph Foundation is comprised of gifts made by individuals, companies, foundations, and charitable organizations. These gifts are used to provide resources to nonprofits who are making a positive impact on the health outcomes of the greater CSRA. Unrestricted gifts from donors are distributed through the annual competitive grants process designed to help nonprofit organizations meet changing needs in the CSRA Region.

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Application Opens: November 1st

Application Closes: December 31st

Checks Distributed: Mid-March

Grant Cap: $15,000

Request Restrictions: Applicants must have an existing relationship with and be in good standing with the Community Foundation

Counties That May Apply: All Counties in the CSRA

Grant Usage: Fund nonprofit organizations that are meeting the changing healthcare needs of individuals living in the CSRA. Our motto is “would the nuns have rolled up their sleeves and done this work.”

Priority Areas: Health Service Education, Medical Uninsured, Hospice and Homeless Around Health Care

Questions: Contact Erin Starnes

The Vinea Foundation

The Vinea Foundation was created by Vinea Capital in 2022 as a way to get more involved and hands-on by helping new non-profit organizations get started, existing non-profits execute projects, and overall help the people within the community who have so generously supported their various businesses over the years.  In addition to providing yearly anchor funding of $150,000, The Vinea Foundation will be awarding $100,000 in new grants each year to various non-profits and charities around the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA.)  Their three key areas of focus are: individuals with special needs, ending generational poverty, and underserved youth.”

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Grant Application Windows: The Vinea Foundation will host two application windows. Organizations may apply once per window. For 2024, the windows are:

January 1 – March 31, Announced April 22

August 1 – October 31, Announced November 21

Grant Request: It is anticipated that the average grant awards will range from $1,000 – $10,000.

Request Restrictions: If funded in one window, a nonprofit must take the next window off.

Grant Usage: Applicants may apply for general operating or program-specific costs

Counties That May Apply: All Counties in the CSRA

Priority Areas: Nonprofits who work with underserved children, adults with developmental disabilities, and those with initiatives to end generational poverty

Questions: Contact Olivia Wamack at olivia.wamack@vineacapital.com

Women in Philanthropy

Women in Philanthropy is a charitable organization of over 200 women in the Central Savannah River Area of Georgia and South Carolina who are committed to a philanthropic effort focused on the unique needs of women and children within the local communities.

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More Information

Application Opens: September 4

Application Closes: October 23

Checks Distributed: Mid-March

Grant Cap: No cap

Request Restrictions: Grant Seekers are REQUIRED to listen to the audio recording found on the Women in Philanthropy website. If your organization was funded in the last granting cycle, you must take a year off.

Counties That May Apply: Burke, Columbia, McDuffie, and Richmond in Georgia and Aiken and Edgefield in South Carolina

Grant Usage: Projects that have the potential for high impact, resulting in significant positive change in the lives of women and children. WIP follows the same funding restrictions as the Community Foundation’s Community Grants Process.

Focus Areas: Arts, Education, Health, and Social-Well Being

Questions: Contact Erin Starnes

Other Funding Opportunities

There are many other opportunities held outside of the Community Foundation. Please click below to learn more.

Augusta Richmond County Housing and Community Development

Contact: Jean Callaway

Destination Augusta – Augusta Tourism Grant

Contact: Karen Lee Davis

Greater Augusta Arts Council

Contact: Denise Tucker

Knox Foundation

Contact: Kelley Hopkins

Knox Foundation
3133 Washington Road
Thomson, Ga 30824
(706) 595-1907

picture of lasima turmon

We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact Lasima Turmon, Sr. Program Officer, here or 706-724-1314.

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